Archem Co

Nitrocellulose Grade AM

AM-grade nitrocellulose (medium nitrogen grade) which its nitrogen content lies in the range of 11.3 to 11.8, is one of the products that has numerous applications in various industries. ArChem AM-grade nitrocellulose is manufactured by chemical modification on regular nitrocellulose. This product has high purity and acceptable performance. So it can be suitable for different applications like printing inks, coating and etc.  

Nitrogen content influences the solubility and thermoplasticity of nitrocellulose. For example, Nitrocellulose with low nitrogen content has a higher solubility in alcohols and higher thermoplasticity. Nitrocellulose with nitrogen content in the range of 11.3-11.8 is categorized as AM Grade. This product shows mixed characteristics of A and E-grades. It is partially soluble in ethanol (Alcohol medium soluble), and esters and highly compatible with alcohols. 

nitrocellulose grade a

AM-Grade Nitrocellulose Viscosity

Viscosity determines the strength and durability of different grades of Nitrocellulose. Low-viscosity grades are suitable for inks and coating. For example, ArChem AM Grade Nitrocellulose (extra low viscosity) is used in printing inks.

AM-Grade NC Properties

ArChem AM grade NC shows mixed characteristics of A and E-grades. This product is used in staple coating and printing inks.

AM-Grade NC Application

Different nitrogen content in various formulations of Nitrocellulose provides numerous applications in other industries like paint, lacquers, plastics, pharmaceuticals, and explosives. Due to the mixed characteristics of AM-grade with A-grades and E-grades, applications are also typical in some cases. Some uses of ArChem AM-grade Nitrocellulose include:

  • Printing Inks
  • Leather Coatings
  • Staple Coatings
  • Film Coatings

  The selection of a suitable grade of nitrocellulose depends on the solvent and thermoplasticity. Our expert technical team in ArChem can help you select the right grade for your application.

AM-Grade NC Package

ArChem Granular AM-grade nitrocellulose is packed in 20 kg bags and Alcoholic AM-grade nitrocellulose is packed in 25 kg laminated bags in Fiber Drums.


What is AM-Grade Nitrocellulose used for?

ArChem AM grade Nitrocellulose is used in different industries like printing inks and leather coating.

What is AM-Grade Nitrocellulose price?

Prices of different grades of Nitrocellulose are different, for more information please contact our technical sales team in ArChem.

What are the main differences between AM-Grade Nitrocellulose and other grades?

Nitrogen content in ArChem AM grade Nitrocellulose lies in the range of 11.3-11.8, while this factor in A grade is between 10.7 and 11.3, and in E grade is between 11.8 up to 12.3.

What is another name of AM-Grade Nitrocellulose?

Medium-grade Nitrocellulose (M Grade) is another name for AM-grade Nitrocellulose. 

What is the nitrogen content of AM_Grade Nitrocellulose?

Nitrogen content in ArChem AM grade Nitrocellulose lies in the range of 11.3-11.8

What Grade of NC is suitable for staple coating?

ArChem AM grade Nitrocellulose with nitrogen content in the range of 11.3 to 11.8 is suitable for staple coating

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