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Sodium Nitrate Fertilizer

 Sodium nitrate is a chemical compound with the formula NaNO3. It is an alkali metal nitrate salt and is also known as Chile saltpeter. Sodium nitrate is a water-soluble form of nitrogen primarily used in Sodium Nitrate fertilizers.

The global sodium nitrate market was worth USD 92 million in 2021 and is expected to increase to USD 153 million by 2031, at a CAGR of 5.2% from 2021 to 2031. Sodium nitrate is a chemical compound that is mostly used in fertilizers and explosives. Because of the ability of this product to give vital nitrogen nutrients to crops, sodium nitrate-based fertilizers are frequently employed. Wheat, soybeans, sugarcane, and corn are among the crops that benefit from it as fertilizer.

What is Sodium nitrate fertilizer?

sodium nitrate

Sodium nitrate is a popular ingredient in the manufacture of fertilizers. It is a crystalline compound with no odour or colour.

As a fertilizer, sodium nitrate acts as a storage vessel for nitrogen. Nitrogen plays a crucial role in promoting the overall growth of plants, leading to fuller leaves and roots. A deficiency of nitrogen can impede plant growth, whereas an excess of it can inhibit the growth of flowers and fruits. Sodium nitrate used as a fertilizer rushes nitrogen to plant roots to stimulate processing throughout the plant’s vascular system.

Sodium nitrate fertilizer can be dissolved and applied as an aqueous solution. It is a salt that dissociates into sodium (Na+) and nitrate (NO3-) ions in water. When sodium nitrate fertilizers dissolve in soil, they increase the sodium concentration of the soil as well as the nitrate utilized by growing plants. Sodium is relatively immobile in soils and is likely to accumulate in soils in dry environments.

Sodium nitrate fertilizer advantages 

Sodium nitrate is an effective fertilizer because all of the nitrogen present in the substance is readily available for crop uptake. Other advantages of Sodium nitrate fertilizer are:

  • The nitrogen in sodium nitrate has a neutralizing effect on soil and subsoil acidity;
  • The nitrogen in sodium nitrate does not interfere with the absorption of potassium, magnesium and calcium by plants;
  • The nitrogen in sodium nitrate does not volatilize to the atmosphere in the form of ammonia;
  • The nitrogen in sodium nitrate acts more quickly than the nitrogen in synthetic nitrogen fertilizers.
  • Sodium nitrate fertilizer is an effective nitrogen source for tobacco, vegetable crops, sugar beets, cotton, and for any crops grown in acidic soils.

What is the nutrient content of sodium nitrate fertilizer? 

Sodium nitrate fertilizer contains approximately 27% sodium. Using sodium nitrate can benefit soils with low pH and sodium levels, but can easily harm a high sodium and high pH soil. The use of sodium nitrate may not be compatible with certain soil types and its use should be evaluated before application.

Sodium nitrate fertilizer production 

Sodium nitrate ore is mined from surface deposits in Chile and is usually marketed as moisture-resistant granules. The ore body occurs within the top two meters in a zone nearly 800 km long and 16 km wide. Sodium nitrate accumulates in this remote region due to very low rainfall and unique geologic conditions. The nitrate ore, called caliche, is crushed and washed with hot water to dissolve the sodium nitrate. The solution is then filtered and chilled to recover the final product. It is ultimately sold as crystalline or prilled products.

What is a good amount of Sodium nitrate fertilizer? 

Calculation of the amount of sodium nitrate permitted is very important. farmers must first determine the amount of nitrogen and sodium recommended for the crop. An excess of sodium in the soil will raise its overall pH and break down the soil aggregate, which negatively affects the overall soil structure.

Nitrogen requirements vary by crop and this information is usually contained within a soil test report.

ArChem provides Sodium Nitrate and other raw chemical materials such as Ammonium Nitrate, Soda Ash, and Ammonium Chloride for various industrial applications. Additionally, ArChem provides customers with other chemical products including Nitrocellulose, Nitrocellulose solutions, organic solvents, etc. For further information please contact our technical sales team in ArChem.


What is Sodium nitrate fertilizer? 

Sodium nitrate fertilizer is one of the first commercially available inorganic nitrogen fertilizers. It provides an immediately available source of nutrition to plants since it is highly soluble. Sodium nitrate fertilizer is not susceptible to volatile losses, so it can provide added flexibility in comparison with ammonium and urea fertilizers.

What is sodium nitrate fertilizer used for? 

Sodium nitrate is used in agriculture, acting as a fertilizer. It acts as a storage vessel for nitrogen. Nitrogen stimulates overall plant growth.

What fertilizer is best for plants? 

High-nitrogen fertilizers are rich sources for plants and many types of fertilizers include it as the main component.

How much nitrogen is there in sodium nitrate fertilizer? 

Sodium nitrate fertilizer contains 16% nitrogen and negligible phosphate and potash.

What is the price of Sodium nitrate fertilizer

ArChem Sodium nitrate can be purchased in a variety of volumes. Depending on your orders, Prices are different. for more information about Sodium nitrate prices, please contact our technical sales team in ArChem.

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